Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Research Marketing Methodology

Question: Discuss about the Business Research Marketing Methodology. Answer: Introduction With the help of the article STAY AWAY FROM ME, the research work will contribute significant findings on consumer impact on personalized media avoidance in the context of personalized advertising media. There is a key significance of consumer behavior over different kinds of marketing communication using elicit avoidance has been curtails whether it is through blocking online advertisements or through filtering e-mails. The role of advertisement contributes one of the most effective measures, which affects the buying decisions of the customers. In the era of globalization, personalized advertising avoidance has not only emerged as an important focus but also has resulted in providing strategic ways to resist the understanding of dynamics by the consumers on preclusion of personalized advertising. In order to proceed with the findings there are some key variables in marketing, helping to evaluate the reliability as well as the validity of the research, which includes the application of various kinds of research instruments. The analyst in this particular investigation procedure focused more towards examining the determinate of consumer avoidance of personalized advertisements. Background of the Article The article focuses on evaluating key factors that influence personalized advertising avoidance. The overview of the article is to cover all the key aspects, which will conclude the importance of advertisement in modern marketing (McGoldrick and Liu 2016). It allows developing a proper communication channel between the buyers and the sellers. On the other hand, the study is to examine the avoidance of personalized advertisement that goes through avoidance that is through unsolicited commercial emails and direct mail that are sent to customers without customers permission (Solomon 2014). As a result, being subset of consumer based, the information is promotional and gives weight to commercial messages that are customized based on individual customer preferences (Federal Trade Commission 2009a). Personalization in marketing is no longer an unusual thing. With the application of consumer information, the unsolicited personalized media messages are sent through locations to a subset of consumer groups and is often applicable to promotions using mobile phones. The classifications of the study, is classified into three segments, which will focus on advisement, promotion, and marketing and what are its impacts on the customers. In modern marketing, the role of advertisement as well as the role of promotion contributes as one of the significant aspects in the overall proceedings of organizing a business (Guy and Patton 2013). Critical review of the Article The first section of the any research paper contains the introductory part, which mainly focuses about the backgrounds of the overall research process. The background of the study will focus on personalization in marketing and advertising, which is evaluated using research hypothesis, structural model and factors related consumer avoidance of personalized advertising. The introductory part of the article covers all the important aspects, which mainly focuses in the development of three important hypotheses. The first hypothesis concludes Personalized advertising skepticism will be positively related to personalized ad avoidance. The second hypothesis deals with Perceived privacy concerns will be positively related to personalized advertising skepticism. The final hypotheses of the article STAY AWAY FROM ME concludes Perceived privacy concerns will be positively related to personalized ad avoidance. After completing an effective research process, on the selected article, the analyst has performed a remarkable job while preparing the introductory part of the article. The most important part is the literature review, which is followed by the data analysis procedures. The literature review of the article is supported with real facts and findings based on some supportive theories like personalized marketing, promotion, and advertising. In order to organize a proper as well as a well-structured literature review there must be a combination of both modern theories as well as existing theories. Based on the theories, the researcher has developed a relevant research hypothesis by following advertisement avoidance, Skepticism toward Advertising, Perceived Privacy Concerns, and Perceived Ad Irritation, which reflects the literature review of the article. The provided literature has been reviewed through different journals, which has resulted in mixed responses by the different authors while broadening the scope of the study and studying different attributes of the research in avoidance of personalized advertisement media. The analyst has supported the overall literature review based on existing theories. It would have been better, if the researcher had collected information based on some new journals and articles, which would have been provided the readers some idea about modern theories based on the related research topic. Towards magnifying the knowledge about the topic, writing a literature review lets both the researchers as well as the readers to demonstrate skills in the two perceived areas, which includes information seeking and critical appraisal. With the idea of information seeking, the analyst in the study was able to scan the related theories by using both manual as well as computerized yet statistical methods in the process of identification and recommendations made on the relevant articles and books. On the other hand, the notion of the critical appraisal allowed the researcher to apply principles towards identifying unbiased and valid studies. Analysis of the research methodology The analyst in the study has taken up statistical technique like maximum likelihood method and chi square as methods to carry out the structural path in the research. The findings and analysis of the research paper is supported with the execution of both primary data as well as the secondary data. The most significant part is to evaluate the theoretical framework and the research hypothesis. Abundant research has demonstrated the trend of resistance to persuasion and the psychological mechanisms by which it works. The most significant parts in the analysis procedure are selecting the right data analysis as well as data collection procedure. The analyst in the overall proceeding used an online survey based questionnaire using Likert scale. All the participants were selected randomly in order to distribute the questionnaire link. However, the analyst has only focused in the process of quantitative data analysis. The research as well as the findings would have been better if the analyst in the study followed the application of both the quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis procedure would have contributed certain important factors in the overall analysis procedure. Mainly the quantitative analysis procedure addresses all the key issues of the customers. On the other hand, the role of the qualitative analysis procedure addresses the business models of managers of different companies. The targeted audiences were the students from different universities in United States. If the analyst had developed a proper survey by including other sample set such as corporate officials, the research proceedings would be able to support the facts and findings of the business models. However, time was one of the most crucial factors in the overall research proceedings. The analyst was not able to manage a proper time schedule in the overall investigation process. There was a need for a proper time schedule, which would have been maintained a proper period in the research proceedings. The other two factors are the reliability as well as the valid ity, which will indicate certain flaws of the analysis procedures. Reliability and validity are the two important components in the overall research proceedings (Cooper and Jackson, 2013). Analysis of the Data findings The most important part in the research is the evolution of the data analysis procedure and the appropriate methods in order to evaluate all the plans and procedure of the analysis procedure. The overall study attempts to identify the potential determinants, which avoids the context of personalized advertisement media, which includes the application commercial emails, postal direct mail telemarketing and text message service. The data analysis part of any research paper consists of a combination of both primary data analysis as well as secondary data. Based on the objectives as well as requirements of the research, the analyst decides the mode of data collection and analysis procedure. In order to evaluate this particular article STAY AWAY FROM ME, the researcher determines to use the idea of probability method of sampling with the view of randomly analyzing the collected data. The analyst has used the idea of self-administrated survey (N= 442), for testing proposed model with the view of structural equation modeling analysis. With the view of evaluating three important determinants perceived personalization, privacy concerns and ad irritation, the findings of the overall analysis procedure conclude the relationship between ad avoidance and its three important determinants. It is important to investigate the methods for the right analysis procedure that will focus on the objectives of the analysis. The analyst used Chi Square hypothesis-testing model with the view of analyzing the data in the required manner. With the view of testing the significance of the collected data, the analyst in the data used the idea of the Chi Square hypothesis-testing model. However, there are certain limitations of the collected data. The analyst with the view of organizing an effective research work has only targeted students from different colleges and from different universities. This is one of the major limitations of this research. It would have been better if the analyst in the study would diversify the findings by focusing with the views of different managers of different organizations. It would have provided better findings based on real facts and experiences, which would provide the overview of the research with better future scope. Acknowledging the importance of personalization in reducing the advertisement avoidance, one fruitful channel for a future investigation procedure is to examin e whether the proposed model could be applied in the social media environment or not which includes Facebook, twitter and You Tube (McGoldrick and Liu 2016). The final chapter of the analysis procedure is the conclusion and the recommendation part. The study aimed to map out the conceptual model of customers tendency with the view of avoidance of personalized advertising based on modern modes of communication, which includes commercial emails, text messaging and telemarketing. It can be concluded that the overall research process has a good validity and reliability as the analyst has provided 100% effect in order to meet the requirements of the research. The reliability of the research work is good; however, there are certain barriers about the future prospects of the research as all the collected data is much biased in nature. The reason behind this particular biasness is the targeted audience represents a group of students from different schools, colleges and universities. On the other hand, the overall prospects of the research have a good validity as it determine all the factors of modern mode of communication. Proper recommendations are provided with the use of different kinds of findings and analysis. However, a different researcher tries its level best to organize a proper research work, which will fulfill the overall objectives. Cost is one of the major concerns towards organizing a proper research work. The overall procedure developed by the researchers is good which keeps the cost minimum and magnifies the objectives of the overall research proceedings. Conclusion The article, which is taken into account, is STAY AWAY FROM ME, highlights all the effective measures, which need to be analyzed in the process of developing an overall analysis of the findings of the articles. Bases on the normal research structure, the review part are classified into five segments. The researcher has used chi square to test the findings but was not able to analyze the findings based on qualitative efficiency. Overall, the research lacked control in the variables in conjunction to privacy concerns. After identifying the changes in the research process on promotion and advertisement, the analyst in the study concluded and suggested some of the effective measures to improve and to increase the future prospects of the research. Nevertheless, the analyst was able to support the research work with effective facts and examples in order to evaluate the objectives of the research in a significant manner. Reference List Cooper, P.D. and Jackson, R.W., 2013. Applying a services marketing orientation to the industrial services sector.Journal of Services Marketing. Federal Trade Commission 2009a, The CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business, available at https://business .ftc.gov/documents/bus61-can-spam-act-compliance-guidebusiness/ (accessed January 11, 2011). Guy, B.S. and Patton, W.E., 2013. The marketing of altruistic causes: understanding why people help.Journal of Consumer Marketing. McGoldrick, P. and Liu, C.L., 2016, May. Application of mixed methods by consumer marketing practitioners: lessons for the academy?. InAcademy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. McGoldrick, P. and Liu, C.L., 2016, May. Application of mixed methods by consumer marketing practitioners: lessons for the academy?. InAcademy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Solomon, M.R., 2014.Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: prentice Hall.

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