Thursday, August 27, 2020

55555 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

55555 - Assignment Example The articulation furnishes a virtual picture with which any peruser can relate with an end goal to increase better comprehension of the characteristics that apply to Okonkwo (Achebe VII). The Ibo words utilized in by Chinua Achebe in his actually work give a stage to viable exploration. Because of the newness of the words, there is requirement for me to look into their implications across important stages. Over the span of investigating on the words, as a peruser, I am ready to pick up exactness in my order of language and have the option to comprehend the arrangements or the substance in the perusing. As I referenced before, the utilization of pictures prompts enthusiasm to me as the peruser. The capacity to relate the printed substance of the perusing and the pictorial articulation of a similar make perusing simpler and basically useful. AS a peruser, my point is to have the option to relate or set up an association with the truly work. For such an association with win, a profound comprehension of the readings is obligatory. The pictures strengthen what I have perused and allow me to see whatever is being clarified recorded as a hard copy. For example, when Chinua Achebe Talks of The Nok Civilization in Nigeria, it probably won't be conceivable to set up a psychological visual of the equivalent if a significant picture is excluded. Be that as it may, the mix of the model that shows the Nok Civilization evokes enthusiasm for perusing increasingly about the current issue accordingly promising compelling perusing which is basic for any peruser who needs to see each part of indicated readings. From my investigation of the of Chinua Achebe’s work, expression is a key and profoundly striking segment of his composition. This is a key determinant of the prevailing tone all through the composition. Word usage makes the tone of the Achebe’s composing natural to the intended interest group. My printed investigation of the work is primarily founded on

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rainman Essay -- essays research papers

Barry Levinson presents to us a Raymond, moving character in the film Raymond Babbitt. Raymond is a developed man that is Autistic. Raymond might be grown up yet he comes up short on certain amiable abilities, making correspondence exceptionally troublesome. He makes some hard memories comprehension and answer questions. In view of Raymond’s handicap he can't advance into a renewed individual. Raymond’s constraints give the film limits. Levinson utilizes the possibility of not permitting this character to change to influence different characters in this story. The character that is most influenced is Raymond’s sibling, Charlie. Toward the start Charlie is baffled and short on money, his dad has kicked the bucket and Charlie got no legacy, his dad had left everything to Charlie’s obscure sibling, Raymond. When Charlie initially meets Raymond he thinks it is a major joke, the way Raymond acts. Albeit, everything he can assume about is the reason nobody at an y point disclosed to him that he had a sibling. Charlie makes it out to appear as though he truly needs to take Raymond in with him and deal with him, now Charlie is taking Raymond from the foundation where he is being dealt with in order to trade Raymond back for part of his legacy. At the point when he is cannot, Charlie escapes with Raymond starting a crosscountry venture that would change Charlie totally. The start of the film shows Charlie as a cash persuaded fellow. He was uniquely in it for the fast buck, you before long discover that his business is enduring and is having numerous issues. T...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Preparing For Your College Essay With AP Psychology Appic

Preparing For Your College Essay With AP Psychology AppicSchool Psychology Appic essay samples are one of the most widely used resources in college and university admissions and your high school counselor will be happy to give you several to choose from. Preparing an AP essay requires lots of thinking and writing, and there are few shortcuts and tips to help get you started. These general guidelines can help you focus on what you need to do and provide some ideas to get you started.Your teacher or guidance counselor will have some good tips about planning your essay. They can also be a great source of advice when it comes to choosing AP Psychology Appic essay samples to use. The professors will be able to show you which ones are the most effective and how to use them properly. They also know where to get the most useful resources.Most schools and colleges offer books that cover college-level writing or classes such as school psychology appic, English composition, and other course wri ting classes. These books can come in handy when trying to get the best AP college essay samples out there. Having a few books to choose from will help you focus on topics you are most interested in and will provide you with great reference material for your essays.The same applies to the guidance counselor at your high school. Since this person is responsible for many aspects of your education, he or she should have a good idea of what is available at your school, including what AP college essay samples are the most effective for your specific needs. This can provide some great ideas on how to prepare your AP college application.One thing they may be able to do for you is make recommendations on what kind of essay you should be preparing. They will have a good idea of which type of essay is best for you and can give you some specific examples to try. They can also give you advice on how to structure your essay and what to avoid. They will know exactly what to do to make sure you ar e able to get the top grades you need.If you feel as though you don't know where to start when it comes to preparing for your college application, the counselors and teachers will be able to provide some suggestions. Some of these are more general. For example, they can point you in the direction of resources that can help you write your college application essay. In many cases, they can also give you tips on how to write a convincing essay for college.To get the highest grades possible, you will want to spend some time each day working on your college application. You will not have time to study for exams and tests during the summer. Preparing your college application will not only help you to avoid having any trouble getting into college, but it will also prepare you for the challenging class that is your college application. You will be ready for your freshman year.The professionals at the school or college you are applying to should also provide you with a list of high quality A P essay samples. Many times, the school counselor can give you some suggestions on these items as well. You will want to find a few examples that you can use for your school psychology appic essay samples.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Nsa Surveillance - 1025 Words

Sharath Thomas Professor Hugetz ENGL 1301.08 05 April 2016 NSA Surveillance - Constitutional or Unconstitutional The US Constitution came to life 230 years ago, but recent actions of the National Security Agency is interpreted to be defying the Bill of Rights by the government and depriving the citizens their constitutional right to privacy. However, when posed with the question: Do people want to live in a surveillanced environment like animals in a zoo, with justice and safety ensured but privacy denied completely ? , the answers vary in the community. The revelation of the National Security Agencys massive†¦show more content†¦9). Judge Pauley, while ruling over the Smith v. Maryland case in the Supreme Court stated: a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties(USAToday par. 2-3). Many other citizens believe that the NSAs actions are unconstitutional. These actions are considered to be a political stunt for hiding all of military business from the public while the go vernment has its open eye on the citizens. Some worry that though the surveillance plan sounds good, persons and companies highly misuse the metadata for their own use. Another dilemma this surveillance poses is the fact that, the government has information about all private transactions and bank records and cards of its citizens. The NSA intrudes into the private lives of the citizens, which in turn takes away the freedom and control the citizens have under the Fourth Amendment of the constitutional rights. The civilians believe that the government is bullying them by prying into their privacy. Mr. Jim Bradford, author of The Body of Secrets claims that NSA and government together bend the Fourth Amendment: Created a structure to allow the government to do this kind of eavesdropping legally(Michele par. 13). To conclude, many people have the stand that Constitutional rights should not be sacrificed for any reason. While others say, NSA surveillance should not beShow MoreRelatedNSA and DHS Surveillance Programs Essay1976 Words   |  8 PagesPrivacy Act wiretapping regulation that protects e-mail, pagers and cell phones (Harris, 2001). Video surveillance goes back as early as 1965 with closed circuit television monitoring. In 1969, police cameras were installed in the New York City Municipal Building near City Hall. The practice soon spread to other cities, with closed circuit television (CCTV) systems. In these early years of video surveillance, analog technology, using taped video cassette recordings, allowed recorded data to be stored andRead MoreNSA Surveillance: Does It Violate the Fourth Ammendment1013 Words   |  4 Pages Does NSA’s secret surveillance program violates fourth amendment? Can people abuse it? A few months ago, Edward Snowden leaked confidential information about a NSA surveillance program known as PRISM. NSA agents have been recording and listening to our phone calls, reading our text messages and emails, and archiving our activities. There has been controversy about whether it is a violation of our privacy right. There has been a lot of talk about abuse of this program. JournalistsRead MoreNo Place At Hide : Edward Snowden, The Nsa, And The U.s. Surveillance State987 Words   |  4 Pages I read No Place To Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State by Glenn Greenwald. The book takes a first-person look into the NSA scandal and Edward Snowden from one of the journalists who met with Snowden to release classified U.S. documents. The book serves a purpose that is to justify the release of classified documents by Mr. Snowden as well as to cut through the misconceptions that surrounded the scandal from someone who had seen the truth first h and. The book centersRead MoreNsa s Surveillance On U.s. Spy Programme1250 Words   |  5 PagesThe NSA is an agency that started surveillance on U.S. citizens and people around the world after 9/11 occurred to ensure the nation’s security. The goal of the NSA is to ultimately protect citizens of the U.S. and to keep a massive terrorist event from occurring in the country again. The NSA collected numerous amounts of data on people to find any type of threat that could lead to the distress of the country, but citizens were not aware of this surveillance. The NSA’s secret was eventually exposedRead MoreDomestic Surveillance And Coalition With The Nsa769 Words   |  4 PagesDomestic Surveillance in Coalition with the NSA Rand Paul, of the Wall Street Journal states, â€Å"How many records did the NSA seize from Verizon† (Paul)? Verizon is an enormous phone company that covers more than 308 million people. All of the phone information secured in the Verizon Company, is now being monitored and viewed by the US Government, which was initially kept secret from the people, under code name PRISM (Greenwald). The information under this code name was then leaked by a former NSA workerRead MoreU.s. Nsa Program On Surveillance1789 Words   |  8 Pagesinstallations. According to James Clapper (the Director of National Intelligence) these threats have become so severe. It is surpassing terrorism as the greatest challenge facing the nation. In response, the National Security Agency (NSA) began conducting surveillance on those who are involved in these activities and others which are threat to US national security interests. This program became so broad; it started continually collecting phone records and emails on ordinary Americans. This angeredRead MoreThe Nsa s Surveillance Program2145 Words   |  9 Pageswas the revelation of the NSA’s surveillance program, PRISM. On June 5th, 2013, Edward Snowden leaked documents that revealed the National Security Agency’s surveillance program. The documents revealed that the NSA was tracking information from nine major Internet companies, including Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Apple. PRISM could collect about 600 million communications a day and store them for up to 30 days. Through the use of various methods, the NSA was able to intercept communicationsRead MoreThe NSA Surveillance Constitutionality: Edward Snowden974 Words   |  4 PagesJune 6, 2013 the details of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance activities where given by Edward Snowden to the public; raising concerns of Americans about their privacy. Edward Snowden, a former employee of the NSA, gave the alarming details of surveillance programs in his interview on how the NSA accesses our emails, calls, internet activity, and anything else that is related to technology. In this system of surveillance the NSA can gather data from companies and tap the cables that areRead MoreNsa s Surveillance Program : A Violation Of The 4th Amendment1585 Words   |  7 PagesArturs Kazijevs PLSC 1320 4/14/2014 The NSA’s Surveillance Program: A Violation of the 4th Amendment Edward Snowden’s disclosures have brought to light many secret government actions that were previously unknown. One of the most controversial government programs that Snowden disclosed was how the National Security Agency (NSA) collected virtually every phone record for calls made in the United States between US citizens. It makes sense to monitor phone calls to or from callers located outsideRead MoreThe Security Agency Nsa ( Nsa )1347 Words   |  6 Pagesthat the National Security Agency (NSA) was â€Å"spying† on United States citizens, and that communication in the U.S. was not private. Edward Snowden, formerly worked as a technical contractor for the NSA at the time, gave the media the information for the story. At the time of the release of the story, Snowden was in Hong Kong. This trip was a deliberately planned in order to keep himself from being immediately incarcerated in the United States. The NSA’s surveillance efforts were increased after the

Friday, May 15, 2020

Charlottes Web Quotes

First published on October 15, 1952, Charlottes Web is a popular childrens book written by acclaimed American author E.B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams that deals with themes of the nature of friendship, loss, fate, acceptance, and renewal. The story centers on a pig named Wilbur and the unlikely but deep friendship he shares with an uncommonly  talented spider named Charlotte. Dodging Destiny While its normal in the course of events on a farm for pigs to be slaughtered when they reach a certain size and age, cunning Charlotte hatches a scheme to keep Wilbur from his fate by weaving words into her web to create what amounts to a one-pig publicity campaign. By elevating Wilbur to celebrity status, Charlotte ultimately saves him from his date with the butchers knife. The ending of the Charlottes Web is bittersweet, however, because while Wilbur survives, Charlotte does not. But even Charlottes passing is a lesson—for Wilbur and those reading his story—about the nature of death and renewal. The Circle of Life Death and destiny are both themes that the book explores. While Charlotte is willing to help Wilbur dodge a destiny thats being imposed on him by outside forces beyond his control, she also understands that some fates are inevitable: All living creatures are born, have a life cycle, and die. Charlotte accepts her role in this natural circle without remorse. Charlotte helps Wilbur realize that immortality is not about living forever, but rather, ensuring that new generations will follow. She also helps him understand that love and friendship are not finite in quantity. While we may lose a friend, new friendships can come along, not as replacements for what weve lost, but as blessings to build on what weve learned. Quotes From Charlottes Web Wilbur didnt know what to do or which way to run. It seemed as though everybody was after him. If this is what its like to be free, he thought, I believe Id rather be penned up in my own yard. Wilbur didnt want food, he wanted love. I am a glutton but not a merrymaker. [W]hen your stomach is empty and your mind is full, its always hard to sleep. Its true, and I have to say whats true. Well, he thought, Ive got a new friend, all right. But what a gamble friendship is! Charlotte is fierce, brutal, scheming, bloodthirsty—everything I dont like. How can I learn to like her, even though she is pretty and, of course, clever? A rat is a rat. Theres a regular conspiracy around here to kill you at Christmastime. If I can fool a bug... I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bugs. It seems to me youre a little off. It seems to me we have no ordinary spider. But nobody pointed out that the web itself is a miracle. I dont understand it, and I dont like what I dont understand. It is quite possible that an animal has spoken to me and that I didnt catch the remark because I wasnt paying attention. No one was with her when she died. She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

management style essay - 973 Words

Management Style Paper Kerri Love HCS/325 August 26, 2014 Jennie Anderson Management Style Paper Many people believe they can either be a good or great manager. The actual reality to this is some people are actually not fit to be a manager either because they do not know what to do or because they do not know how to handle themselves. Throughout this paper, management styles will be discussed, and the qualities of a good manager. Management Management is usually the people that hold the business together. Whether it is making schedules, making sure the books are right or even helping out when needed, management is an important aspect of every business. According to Web Finance (2014), â€Å"Management is the organization†¦show more content†¦References Hogan, M. (2014, June 16). 6 qualities of bad managers that send employees running. Retrieved from Mind Tools. (2014). How Good Are Your Management Skills. Retrieved from Morgan, J. (2013, July 23). 5 Must-Have Qualities of the Modern Manager. Retrieved from Web Finance, Inc. (2014). Management. Retrieved from Grading Criteria Management Style Essay This assignment is due in Week One. Content 60 Percent Points Available 3 Points Earned X/3 Additional Comments: Student successfully completes a management quiz from the internet. Student creates an essay that may use the following questions. What do you define as management? What are good qualities of a manager? What are poor qualities of a manager? Do the qualities change based on different situations (social environment, work environment, or home environment)? Do you agree with the results of your management quiz? Discuss. Organization/Development 20 Percent Points Available 1 Points Earned X/1 Additional Comments: The paper is 350 to 700 words in length. The introduction provides sufficientShow MoreRelated The Management Style at Cadbury Essay1083 Words   |  5 PagesA description of the management style used at Cadbury There are three main management styles that a business can have these are:  · Democratic  · Consultative  · Autocratic  · Laissez-faire Cadbury’s management style is democratic. This is when all members of staff work together as a team. The managers listen to the other employees ideas and suggestions before they go ahead with decisions. If ideas are found to be achievable and successful by the senior group, then it is taken forwardRead MoreManagement Styles in the Workplace Essay1266 Words   |  6 PagesTitle: Management Styles in the Workplace Purpose Statement: My purpose today is to inform you on four different management styles in the workplace. Thesis Statement: It is important for managers to understand their management style when certain situations arise in the work place, by knowing your management style you will become a better leader. Introduction: Have you ever been told, â€Å"Do it this way or don’t do it at all?† if so do you know what type of leadership or management style this. WellRead MoreEssay on The Different Types of Management Styles4740 Words   |  19 PagesThe Different Types of Management Styles by Brick Jackson There are several different types of management styles when it comes to managing in the workplace and choosing the right type of style to lead with could have a big impact in terms of how your staff produces for you. But knowing the four different leadership styles in management does not mean that you can simply pick one and then that is going to work because you are then in essence trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. In mostRead MoreManagement Style Essays660 Words   |  3 PagesManagement Style Essay Joyce Davis HCS/325 3/23/2015 Management Style Essay Introduction Today’s paper is about management styles. I will discuss things; such as what management is and what are the good and poor qualities of managers. In addition; do these conditions change based on the social environment, work environment or home environment? Last, I will discuss the results of my management quiz. This part of the discussion will focus on whether or not I agree or disagree withRead MoreEssay Management Styles1139 Words   |  5 PagesYolanda D. Jones Colorado Technical University Management Styles There are some traits which constitute a good manager, however being a good manager is not necessary based on education, experience, or skills, but more tangible personal attributes that would make an individual a successful manager. First, and most possibly foremost, is the blended attribute of leader and manager. The ability to be an effective manager and enable individuals under their leadership to be productive, a managerRead More conflict management styles Essay559 Words   |  3 PagesConflict Management Styles nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;How many people have conflicts with there parents? This is not a uncommon thing for young adults to show conflict with their parents. Conflicts are something that occur very often and it seems as though young adults have lots of conflicts with their parents. Some young adults feel as though, if they are eighteen, nineteen, or twenty that they are able to make their own decisions. Whether it be staying out pastRead MoreEssay on Conflict Management Styles946 Words   |  4 PagesConflict Management Styles Conflict occurs in organizations whenever a difference of opinions exists. People disagree over many things including but not limited to, policies and procedures, the overall direction of the company, and distribution of rewards. This type of conflict is substantive conflict, as described in our reading text organizational behavior as a, fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued. The second type of conflict is emotional conflict; which involves, interpersonalRead MoreEssay on Conflict Management Styles 1166 Words   |  5 PagesConflict is known to be inseparable in all human interactions. In any organization, role differentiation acquires the different uses of conflict handling styles. Work direction, reward, supervision, discipline and performance review also involve the use of conflict handling styles. Organizational change and control is also viewed from a conflict perspective. In attempts to explain the nature or dynamics of a particular organizational phenomen on, conflict may be incorporated as a causal factor (BrownRead MoreThe Different Styles of Management Essay1005 Words   |  5 Pagesto look into three different styles of management and find real life examples of companies or individuals who have or are currently using such styles of management. To begin we will take a look into the use of an autocratic style of management versus a participative. In this portion we will look into Leona Helmsley and her chain of hotels. Once this potion is completed, our next section will be looking into a centralized style of management versus a decentralized style. In this section of the researchRead More Improving Management Styles Essay1056 Words   |  5 Pages Improving Management Styles and Their Function nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the article When the Problem is Management, author Lawrence Sawyer takes a look at the different styles that managers have in their practice, how they can better perform their functions and how they relate to the four basic functions of management. As an internal auditor, Mr. Sawyer provides some insight to these managers in helping them and their departments make better use of the tools they have and points out what

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Research Marketing Methodology

Question: Discuss about the Business Research Marketing Methodology. Answer: Introduction With the help of the article STAY AWAY FROM ME, the research work will contribute significant findings on consumer impact on personalized media avoidance in the context of personalized advertising media. There is a key significance of consumer behavior over different kinds of marketing communication using elicit avoidance has been curtails whether it is through blocking online advertisements or through filtering e-mails. The role of advertisement contributes one of the most effective measures, which affects the buying decisions of the customers. In the era of globalization, personalized advertising avoidance has not only emerged as an important focus but also has resulted in providing strategic ways to resist the understanding of dynamics by the consumers on preclusion of personalized advertising. In order to proceed with the findings there are some key variables in marketing, helping to evaluate the reliability as well as the validity of the research, which includes the application of various kinds of research instruments. The analyst in this particular investigation procedure focused more towards examining the determinate of consumer avoidance of personalized advertisements. Background of the Article The article focuses on evaluating key factors that influence personalized advertising avoidance. The overview of the article is to cover all the key aspects, which will conclude the importance of advertisement in modern marketing (McGoldrick and Liu 2016). It allows developing a proper communication channel between the buyers and the sellers. On the other hand, the study is to examine the avoidance of personalized advertisement that goes through avoidance that is through unsolicited commercial emails and direct mail that are sent to customers without customers permission (Solomon 2014). As a result, being subset of consumer based, the information is promotional and gives weight to commercial messages that are customized based on individual customer preferences (Federal Trade Commission 2009a). Personalization in marketing is no longer an unusual thing. With the application of consumer information, the unsolicited personalized media messages are sent through locations to a subset of consumer groups and is often applicable to promotions using mobile phones. The classifications of the study, is classified into three segments, which will focus on advisement, promotion, and marketing and what are its impacts on the customers. In modern marketing, the role of advertisement as well as the role of promotion contributes as one of the significant aspects in the overall proceedings of organizing a business (Guy and Patton 2013). Critical review of the Article The first section of the any research paper contains the introductory part, which mainly focuses about the backgrounds of the overall research process. The background of the study will focus on personalization in marketing and advertising, which is evaluated using research hypothesis, structural model and factors related consumer avoidance of personalized advertising. The introductory part of the article covers all the important aspects, which mainly focuses in the development of three important hypotheses. The first hypothesis concludes Personalized advertising skepticism will be positively related to personalized ad avoidance. The second hypothesis deals with Perceived privacy concerns will be positively related to personalized advertising skepticism. The final hypotheses of the article STAY AWAY FROM ME concludes Perceived privacy concerns will be positively related to personalized ad avoidance. After completing an effective research process, on the selected article, the analyst has performed a remarkable job while preparing the introductory part of the article. The most important part is the literature review, which is followed by the data analysis procedures. The literature review of the article is supported with real facts and findings based on some supportive theories like personalized marketing, promotion, and advertising. In order to organize a proper as well as a well-structured literature review there must be a combination of both modern theories as well as existing theories. Based on the theories, the researcher has developed a relevant research hypothesis by following advertisement avoidance, Skepticism toward Advertising, Perceived Privacy Concerns, and Perceived Ad Irritation, which reflects the literature review of the article. The provided literature has been reviewed through different journals, which has resulted in mixed responses by the different authors while broadening the scope of the study and studying different attributes of the research in avoidance of personalized advertisement media. The analyst has supported the overall literature review based on existing theories. It would have been better, if the researcher had collected information based on some new journals and articles, which would have been provided the readers some idea about modern theories based on the related research topic. Towards magnifying the knowledge about the topic, writing a literature review lets both the researchers as well as the readers to demonstrate skills in the two perceived areas, which includes information seeking and critical appraisal. With the idea of information seeking, the analyst in the study was able to scan the related theories by using both manual as well as computerized yet statistical methods in the process of identification and recommendations made on the relevant articles and books. On the other hand, the notion of the critical appraisal allowed the researcher to apply principles towards identifying unbiased and valid studies. Analysis of the research methodology The analyst in the study has taken up statistical technique like maximum likelihood method and chi square as methods to carry out the structural path in the research. The findings and analysis of the research paper is supported with the execution of both primary data as well as the secondary data. The most significant part is to evaluate the theoretical framework and the research hypothesis. Abundant research has demonstrated the trend of resistance to persuasion and the psychological mechanisms by which it works. The most significant parts in the analysis procedure are selecting the right data analysis as well as data collection procedure. The analyst in the overall proceeding used an online survey based questionnaire using Likert scale. All the participants were selected randomly in order to distribute the questionnaire link. However, the analyst has only focused in the process of quantitative data analysis. The research as well as the findings would have been better if the analyst in the study followed the application of both the quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis procedure would have contributed certain important factors in the overall analysis procedure. Mainly the quantitative analysis procedure addresses all the key issues of the customers. On the other hand, the role of the qualitative analysis procedure addresses the business models of managers of different companies. The targeted audiences were the students from different universities in United States. If the analyst had developed a proper survey by including other sample set such as corporate officials, the research proceedings would be able to support the facts and findings of the business models. However, time was one of the most crucial factors in the overall research proceedings. The analyst was not able to manage a proper time schedule in the overall investigation process. There was a need for a proper time schedule, which would have been maintained a proper period in the research proceedings. The other two factors are the reliability as well as the valid ity, which will indicate certain flaws of the analysis procedures. Reliability and validity are the two important components in the overall research proceedings (Cooper and Jackson, 2013). Analysis of the Data findings The most important part in the research is the evolution of the data analysis procedure and the appropriate methods in order to evaluate all the plans and procedure of the analysis procedure. The overall study attempts to identify the potential determinants, which avoids the context of personalized advertisement media, which includes the application commercial emails, postal direct mail telemarketing and text message service. The data analysis part of any research paper consists of a combination of both primary data analysis as well as secondary data. Based on the objectives as well as requirements of the research, the analyst decides the mode of data collection and analysis procedure. In order to evaluate this particular article STAY AWAY FROM ME, the researcher determines to use the idea of probability method of sampling with the view of randomly analyzing the collected data. The analyst has used the idea of self-administrated survey (N= 442), for testing proposed model with the view of structural equation modeling analysis. With the view of evaluating three important determinants perceived personalization, privacy concerns and ad irritation, the findings of the overall analysis procedure conclude the relationship between ad avoidance and its three important determinants. It is important to investigate the methods for the right analysis procedure that will focus on the objectives of the analysis. The analyst used Chi Square hypothesis-testing model with the view of analyzing the data in the required manner. With the view of testing the significance of the collected data, the analyst in the data used the idea of the Chi Square hypothesis-testing model. However, there are certain limitations of the collected data. The analyst with the view of organizing an effective research work has only targeted students from different colleges and from different universities. This is one of the major limitations of this research. It would have been better if the analyst in the study would diversify the findings by focusing with the views of different managers of different organizations. It would have provided better findings based on real facts and experiences, which would provide the overview of the research with better future scope. Acknowledging the importance of personalization in reducing the advertisement avoidance, one fruitful channel for a future investigation procedure is to examin e whether the proposed model could be applied in the social media environment or not which includes Facebook, twitter and You Tube (McGoldrick and Liu 2016). The final chapter of the analysis procedure is the conclusion and the recommendation part. The study aimed to map out the conceptual model of customers tendency with the view of avoidance of personalized advertising based on modern modes of communication, which includes commercial emails, text messaging and telemarketing. It can be concluded that the overall research process has a good validity and reliability as the analyst has provided 100% effect in order to meet the requirements of the research. The reliability of the research work is good; however, there are certain barriers about the future prospects of the research as all the collected data is much biased in nature. The reason behind this particular biasness is the targeted audience represents a group of students from different schools, colleges and universities. On the other hand, the overall prospects of the research have a good validity as it determine all the factors of modern mode of communication. Proper recommendations are provided with the use of different kinds of findings and analysis. However, a different researcher tries its level best to organize a proper research work, which will fulfill the overall objectives. Cost is one of the major concerns towards organizing a proper research work. The overall procedure developed by the researchers is good which keeps the cost minimum and magnifies the objectives of the overall research proceedings. Conclusion The article, which is taken into account, is STAY AWAY FROM ME, highlights all the effective measures, which need to be analyzed in the process of developing an overall analysis of the findings of the articles. Bases on the normal research structure, the review part are classified into five segments. The researcher has used chi square to test the findings but was not able to analyze the findings based on qualitative efficiency. Overall, the research lacked control in the variables in conjunction to privacy concerns. After identifying the changes in the research process on promotion and advertisement, the analyst in the study concluded and suggested some of the effective measures to improve and to increase the future prospects of the research. Nevertheless, the analyst was able to support the research work with effective facts and examples in order to evaluate the objectives of the research in a significant manner. Reference List Cooper, P.D. and Jackson, R.W., 2013. Applying a services marketing orientation to the industrial services sector.Journal of Services Marketing. Federal Trade Commission 2009a, The CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business, available at https://business (accessed January 11, 2011). Guy, B.S. and Patton, W.E., 2013. The marketing of altruistic causes: understanding why people help.Journal of Consumer Marketing. McGoldrick, P. and Liu, C.L., 2016, May. Application of mixed methods by consumer marketing practitioners: lessons for the academy?. InAcademy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. McGoldrick, P. and Liu, C.L., 2016, May. Application of mixed methods by consumer marketing practitioners: lessons for the academy?. InAcademy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Solomon, M.R., 2014.Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: prentice Hall.