Friday, December 27, 2019

A comparison of Kern County and Sierra Nevadas Essay

Of Oak Stumps and Oil Pumps nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Great Sierra Nevadas and Kern County are two strikingly different faces of California. The Sierra Nevadas, a natural refuge for a sizeable number of California’s wildlife, houses opportunities for harvesting lumber, a spiritual place to camp or hike on, and simply as an aesthetic marvel in contrast to LA’s bustling city streets. Kern County’s industrial benefits come from Black Gold, oil. The Kern River discovery started an oil boom, and a forest of wooden derricks sprang up overnight. Kern County resembles a dry rocky land. A noticeable lack of movement except for a thousand oil pumps bowing incessantly like Buddhist monks in a trance of prayer. These two places are similar†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;People who live in Kern County are encouraged to take part in the opportunity to become one of the workforces that keeps the place’s gears lubed and turning. Having rich natural resources like cotton fa rms and oil, Kern County offers numerous jobs as is depicted by James Houston in his essay â€Å"In Search of Oildorado† (Houston 278). Oil derricks and cotton farms need a labor force to harvest these natural resources. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The populace of the Sierra Nevadas is inspired to preserve the beauty of its natural resources. The people who live in this place are almost compelled to respect and preserve such a landmark. As Snyder comments: â€Å"I trimmed the stump on a black oak that had fallen and counted the rings: more than three hundred years. There were still lots of standing oaks that big around† (Snyder 257). Reading this, Imagining myself being surrounded by trees that were three centuries old, I had a feeling of responsibility and of reverence. I did not feel obligated to take care of such a place; I simply felt that I wanted to. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The common goal of the population of Kern County is to ensure economic stability and growth. Having such rich oil deposits, Kern County was a beacon of light to everyone who wanted to take a part in harvesting Black Gold. At first, prospectors did not seem to be interested in the county’s oil deposits becauseShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesPredictors and Sample Size 780 Sections and/or chapter numbers in color can be found at xii ââ€"   Contents 15 Analysis of Variance 783 15.1 Single-Factor ANOVA and the F Test 784 15.2 Multiple Comparisons 800 15.3 The F Test for a Randomized Block Experiment 15-1 15.4 Two-Factor ANOVA 15-9 15.5 Interpreting and Communicating the Results of Statistical Analyses 15-22 Activity 15.1 Exploring Single-Factor ANOVA 808 Graphing Calculator Exploration 811

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Is The Evil Empire `` Speech Propaganda - 952 Words

Cameron Schwartz 5/6/15 Literature Final Paper Is the â€Å"Evil Empire† Speech Propaganda There are many different definitions of propaganda that people use. Propaganda is politicians deceiving the public into what the politicians want them to know or believe (Altschull). This definition is used to show how politicians can use propaganda. There are many ways to use propaganda. They are used to convince people to buy a certain product, to convince people to not buy a certain product, to convince a certain group of people to vote for a public office official, to convince a certain group of people not to vote for a public office official. All these examples show that people are trying to influence others into thinking what they believe. Another definition of propaganda is the term for social influence from a superior party (Smith). People will only use propaganda when that person needs support. They might need votes for an election or people to buy their products. They might just need to be known. There are many reasons for using propaganda. Some are similar and some are different; whenever it is used, it is used to persuade someone about an idea or belief. Propaganda has many methods. One of the methods, stereotyping, is giving a person or an idea/belief a bad reputation by using an easy to remember pejorative name (propaganda). Another method of propaganda, fear, is when a person says if you don’t do this something bad will happen (propaganda). Both of these methods areShow MoreRelatedPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt Essay1637 Words   |  7 Pagesmobilization and war against tyranny in whichever form it presented itself. The President delivered many great speeches that brought the United States to global involvement with the use of early national media and propaganda. President Franklin D. 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He provoked the Soviet Union by saying, â€Å"to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire, to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong and good and evil† (Reagan). Regan initially made the speech to offend the Soviet Union and it sure did. When the Soviet leadership heard aboutRead MoreEssay on Soviet Propaganda1881 Words   |  8 PagesSoviet Propaganda The soviet communist party, or the Bolsheviks, always new that strong propaganda was essential to increase the consciousness of the masses. As stated in the Encyclopedia of Propaganda, propaganda was central to Marxist-Leninist ideology long before the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.(675) The power of persuasion and coercion were exercised with great force by Soviet leaders. 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While we would all like to believe that we are, by nature, a peaceful species, we still understand there are some things worth fighting for, and given the appropriate context, there are some things worth killing for. As reasoning beings, we hope that if violence is the only option it is for a clear and legitimate purpose.Read MoreAnalysis Of Howard Zinn s The United States 1224 Words   |  5 Pagesprofit† (Zinn). The explanation for World War II is identical. Zinn titles his chapter 16 â€Å"A People’s War?† and suggests that America, not Japan, was to blame for Pearl Harbor. The fight against dictatorship was an illusion. America’s real goals were empire and money. â€Å"Quietly, behind the headlines in battles and bombings,† Zinn writes in Chapter 16, â€Å"American diplomats and businessmen worked hard to make sure that when the war ended, American economic power would be second to none in the world. United

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Russians And Bosnians Essay Paper Example For Students

Russians And Bosnians Essay Paper Historically and politically, the Bosnians and the Russians are a perfect match.This history started in the middle of the first thousand years A.D. when the tribes called the Southern Slavs migrated into the southeast area of Europe known as the Balkans. The Slav people as they are known, were separated from the Northern Slavs, that is, related Slavs in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Russia, by the non-slavic tribes that settled the lands of Austria and Hungary. The Bosnians original ancestors were the Southern Slavs. They raided areas throught the Balkans including what is now modern day Serbia.This tribe eventually split up, mostly for religious and political reasons but also because the geography of the region is such that large groups of Slavs became separated and isolated from one another because of the difficult terrain. When religion came to the Balkans, where you were physically had as much to do with what religion you grew up with as other reasons. The Serbs who were closest to the Byzantine Empire geographically, took up the Eastern Orthodox Religion. The peoples in what is now Croatia, Slovinia and Bosina were infuenced by Rome and took up Roman Catholicisim. However, the Bosnians, who were alwasys being threathned politically by the Orthodox Christian Serbs as well as their Roman Catholic neighbors, by the fifteenth century had made apolitical decision to align themselves with the rising power of the Ottoman Empire, and converted to Islam. Russia, the country where most of the Southern Slavs came from had accepted the Eastern Orthodox religion at around the time the Serbs did. This religious bond between Russians and Serbs was very strong and the two groups supported one another for virtually their entire history up to and including modern times. The Serbs supported the Russians in almost all their wars and helped the Russians gain control of part of the Eastern Mediterraen from the Turks. This is why the Russians are deeply interested in this area and feel they have a special role to play in the current conflict. The Balkans are the reason that World War I had started. The Serbs of 1914 was as determined then, as they were for centuries, of preserving their independence in the Balkans. A wider war in the Balkans could risk the security of Europe, and possibly draw Moslen nations into the war. On a more imeadiate level, the reason for peace in Bosnia is so urgent is because cities, roads, bridges, have been destroyed in the conflict. A good example of this is Sarajevo, ( a major muslim city) that was known for its cultural mixture. It was the site of the 1988 winter olympics which welcomed hunreds of atlethes from all over the globe. The city is on the Bosinian-Serb border and has been shelled by both sides in the war. However, a far more important reason is to prevent this local war from starting a wider confrontation that would risk the security of Europe, and possibly draw in Moslem nations to support the Muslims in Bosnia. Russian soldiers are going to be among the troops keeping peace in Sarajevo as well as in other towns in Bosnia. The rusians are trying to improve relations with the U. S. and are doing so by working with the U.S. on keeping peace in the Balkans. Both President Yeltsin of Russia and Clinton Of the U.S., have met several times over this issue. They decide that a good way to improve rlations betwen the two countries. Part of the debate over rusian troops betwen Russia and the U.S. was who mwould command the Russsian troops if they were sent. The Russians did not want teir troops under a NATO command because they thought that Nato was anti- Russian. Another topic of their debate was where were the Russian troops to be deployed. The russians wnated to be deployed in Bosnian Serb teritory, and the U.S. wanted them deployed in Bosnian Croat territory. Finally an agreement was reached. The Russians would send fifteenhundred troops to Bosnia. They were scheduled to arrive in mid-December 199 5. Both sides agreed that the Russian troops would report to their own commander, General Leonti P. Shetsov. Shetsov had worked with Nato in the past as well as the U.S. military and was sen as a good fit. He however would still be technically under Nato command as it is Nato that is overseeing the operation. Further the Russians are contributing troops to an international brigage that would include troops from France, the U.S. and other countries. After much debate it was agreed that the Russians would be deployed in the corridor that separates eastern and western parts of Serbian controlled Bosnia. In total close to fourthousand Russian troops will eventually be in Bosnia. Many people have questioned whether or not a Russian presence in Bosnia ca help bring about a lasting peace. The signs are that it can. Before the peace treaty was signed President Clinton was able to bring about a cease fire. This cease fire lasted until the peace treaty was signed. One problem was getting the Bosnians to agree to a cease fire while gas supplys from Russia to Sarajavo were turned off. The American Ambasador Mr. Charles Pickering asked officials in Moscow to turn the gas back on. They did so and the cease fire began.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Watch Out For People Who Call Themselves Religious; Make Sure You Know

Watch out for people who call themselves religious; make sure you know what they mean-make sure they know what they mean! (572). In the novel written by John Irving, A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY, the protagonist, Owen Meany, developed an unusual religious significance. Owen experienced visions of future events, he had a unique type of faith in God that most do not attain, and Owen spoke endlessly to inform people about God. Throughout Owen's life he demonstrated the same characteristics as a prophet through his actions and his words. Thus one could conclude that Owen Meany is a prophet. Similar to a prophet, Owen was given precognitive powers that allowed him to see into the future. Owen's first prophecy came to him on New Years Eve 1953 during the community production of 'A Christmas Carol'. The most obvious inference concerning the play was that Owen played the part of the ghost of Christmas yet to come. In reaction to Owen's portrayal of this character, the audience's faces which were so amused, so curious, so various-were rendered shockingly similar; each face became the model of each other's fear (42). Owen had dehumanized this character to the point that children were leaving the theater crying and some were even wetting their pants. One reference which could be made concerning Owen and Scrooge was that GOD HAS ALLOWED [them] TO KNOW MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE KNOW-... (366). Both of them were told their futures, however Scrooge made an effort to change his, where as Owen did not. Owen's revelation came through a vision he experienced during the graveyard scene of the play. He immediately fainted. The curtains went down, and members of the production all ran to Owen's aid, yet he seemed ungrateful, He appeared to be sullenly embracing his 'vision' like the typically doubtless prophet he so often seemed to be... (246). Owen believed he had seen his name on a gravestone along with the date of his death. No one could convince him otherwise. The fact that Owen was correct about the date of his death confirmed that he had visions; this proved he had qualities of a prophet. A prophet uses prophecies to not only prove they have powers, but also to benefit others. The second prophecy came to Owen in his dreams when he envisioned the reason and the way his life would end. Owen wrote of his dream in his diary. No one realized how detailed and precise it really was until they read it. Owen stated in his diary, THE WAY THEY LOOK AT ME, I KNOW TWO THINGS. I KNOW I SAVED THEM-I DON'T KNOW HOW. AND I KNOW THAT THEY'RE AFRAID FOR ME... (474). The entries in his diary revealed that he died saving Vietnamese children. He was a prime example of courage and integrity. A prophet uses their prophecies to not only prove that they have powers, but also to somehow benefit the world or allow people to learn from their visions. In Owen's case, he had established himself as a prophet... (201). It was a wonder to John that the changing of the year had so little effect on Owen Meany - when [John] considered that he thought he knew...exactly how many years he had left. Yet he a ppeared content... maybe that's what faith is... (358). Was Owen's sole purpose in life only to save the Vietnamese children? The mind wants to say no because many of us could never comprehend such a sacrifice. Owen Meany found strength in his belief that God made him for a special, heroic purpose. Owen thought he was the reason John's mother was killed. One night, Having gone into her room, he witnessed an apparition. Owen believed the task of John's mother's death had been passed to him for he had interrupted the angel of death at her holy work. To imply that this incident was an accident was to be accused that you lacked faith. In Owen's opinion ...he had DISTURBED AN ANGEL AT WORK, he had UPSET THE SCHEME OF THINGS (102). Robbed from an ordinary life, Owen felt that God had assigned him a role that he was powerless to change... (420). Owen's mission was clear to him;